This section contains direct access to recently published materials as result of the project’s work packages (WPs).
Other outputs
Journal articles, book chapters, etc. (peer-reviewed)
Asadzadeh, A., Fekete, A., Khazai, B., Moghadas, M., Zebardast, E., Basirat, M., & Kötter, T. (2023). Capacitating urban governance and planning systems to drive transformative resilience. Sustainable Cities and Society, 96, 104637.
Lorenz, S. (2023). Offene Zukunft statt Dilemmata – Plädoyer für ein prozedurales Konzept transdisziplinärer Lernprozesse. In A. Henkel, S. Berg M. A., M. Bergmann, H. Gruber M. Sc., N. C. Karafyllis, D. Mader, A.-K. Müller M. A., B. Siebenhüner, K. Speck, & D.-P. Zorn (Eds.), Dilemmata der Nachhaltigkeit (pp. 93–108). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Sandoval, V., Voss, M., Flörchinger, V., Lorenz, S. & Jafari, P. (2023). Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM): Elements to Advance its Study and Assessment. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14(3), 343–356.
Asadzadeh, A., Khavarian-Garmsir, A. R., Sharifi, A., Salehi, P., & Kötter, T. (2022). Transformative Resilience: An Overview of Its Structure, Evolution, and Trends. Sustainability, 14(22), Article 22.
Asadzadeh, A., Kötter, T., Fekete, A., Moghadas, M., Alizadeh, M., Zebardast, E., Weiss, D., Basirat, M., & Hutter, G. (2022). Urbanization, migration, and the challenges of resilience thinking in urban planning: Insights from two contrasting planning systems in Germany and Iran. Cities, 125, 103642.
Conference papers, presentations, etc.
Sandoval, V., Jafari Berenji, P., & Flörchinger, V. (2023, November 2). Exploring ‘integration’ in disaster risk management (IDRM) and culture. Accepted for the 2023 Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies “NEEDS 2023: Building Disaster Resilient Societies.” Enschede, Netherlands, 31 Oct.-2 Nov. Website»
Flörchinger, V. (2023, November 1). Lessons Learned from Recent Floods and Mutual Learning for Disaster Risk Management in Iran and Germany. Accepted for the 2023 Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies “NEEDS 2023: Building Disaster Resilient Societies.” Enschede, Netherlands, 31 Oct.-2 Nov. Website»
Flörchinger, V. (2023, September 22). Lessons learned from recent droughts for disaster risk management in Germany. Accepted for the 62th German Congress of Geography (Deutschen Kongress für Geographie–DKG) “Planetary Futures”. Institutes for Human Geography and Physical Geography at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 19-23 September. Website»
Sandoval, V. (2023, September 21). Urban disaster governance and collective intelligences for climate resilience. Accepted for the 62th German Congress of Geography (Deutschen Kongress für Geographie–DKG) “Planetary Futures”. Institutes for Human Geography and Physical Geography at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 19-23 September. Website»
Sandoval, V. (2023, September 18). Enhancing Disaster Resilience in Informal Settlements through Collective Intelligence and Good Urban Governance. Accepted for the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD). Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), New York, USA, 18-20 September. Website»
Flörchinger, V. (2023, September 6). Gaps and Potentials of an Integrated Disaster Risk Management in Germany. Accepted for the 9th Congress of the Association of European Geographical Societies (EUGEO) 2023 “Geography for our common future”. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 September. Website»
Moghadas, M. (2023, September 6). Harnessing the Power of Crowdsourced Knowledge for Collaborative Resilience Building.Accepted for the 9th Congress of the Association of European Geographical Societies (EUGEO) 2023 “Geography for our common future”. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 September. Website»
Priesmeier, P. (2023, September 6). Integrating Emergency Response Data, Geoinformation, and Population Vulnerability for Urban Disaster Risk Management: A Case Study in Cologne.Accepted for the 9th Congress of the Association of European Geographical Societies (EUGEO) 2023 “Geography for our common future”. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 September. Website»
Sandoval, V. (2023, September 6). Integrated Disaster Risk Management for a Resilient Future: Geographical linkages of social, spatial, and temporal dimensions. Accepted for the 9th Congress of the Association of European Geographical Societies (EUGEO) 2023 “Geography for our common future”. Faculty of Geography and History, University of Barcelona, Spain, 4-7 September. Website»
Lorenz, S. (2022, December 9). An den Grenzen von Zivilgesellschaft und Freiwilligen-Engagement – Wandel und Konflikt. Accepted for the ZEFFF Tagung 2022: Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement und Freiwilligendienste im Fokus der Forschung. Düsseldorf, Germany, 9-10 December. Website»
Zimmermann, T., Merkes, S.T., Lorenz, S. (2022, November 2). Whose disaster? Disaster involvement as a conflicted field between cooperation and competition. Accepted for the 2022 Northern European Emergency and Disaster Studies Conference: NEEDS 2022 “Global Disasters.” Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-3 November. Website»
Sandoval, V., & Flörchinger, V. (2022, November 1). Integrated Disaster Risk Management: From an International Perspective to Germany – Ongoing research. Accepted for the 2022 Northern European Emergency and Disaster Studies Conference: NEEDS 2022 “Global Disasters.” Copenhagen, Denmark, 1-3 November. Website»
Jafari Berenji, P. (2022, September 30). Polarizing inequalities in the context of droughts: The example of Iran. Accepted for the 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie-DGS) 2022 “Polarized Worlds.” Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany. Website»
Lorenz, S. (2022, September 30). Polarisierende Katastrophen – katastrophale Polarisierungen. Accepted for the 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association (Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie-DGS) 2022 “Polarized Worlds.” Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany. Website»
Sandoval, V., Voss, M., Flörchinger, V., Lorenz, S., & Jafari, P. (2022, September 21). Integrated (and Systemic) Disaster Risk Management from an International Perspective: Ideas for Indicators and Progress. Accepted for the 12th International Conference of the International Society for the Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM). Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Research Institute for Sustainability and Disaster Management based on High Performance Computing, and Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 21-23 September. Website»
Bührmann, A.D. & Lorenz, S. (2021, August 23). Transdisziplinäre Forschung – ein wegweisender Modus der Krisenbearbeitung? Accepted for the Gemeinsamer Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS) “Die Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krise und ihre Folgen.” Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 23-25 August. Website»
Others (working papers, essays, etc.)
Flörchinger, V. (2022). Integrated Disaster Risk Management in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany: A summary report (INCREASE Wiki Report Series). Disaster Research Unit.
Flörchinger, V. (2023). Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Approaches in Germany (INCREASE Working Papers). Disaster Research Unit.
Flörchinger, V., Krippner, N., & Lorenz, S. (2023). Short assessment report on current status of IDRM in Germany (INCREASE Wiki Report Series). Disaster Research Unit.
Hybbeneth, N., Krippner, N., & Lorenz, S. (2022). Kooperation und Integration von Freiwilligen in KRM in Deutschland (INCREASE Wiki Report Series). Disaster Research Unit.
Lorenz, S. (2023). A process model and tools for (transdisciplinary and intercultural) collaboration in the INCREASE project (INCREASE Working Papers, p. 30). Disaster Research Unit.
Lorenz, S., & Krippner, N. (2022). Katastrophenrisikomanagement in Deutschland (INCREASE Working Papers). Disaster Research Unit.
Sandoval, V., Flörchinger, V., Moghadas, M. & Krippner, N. (2023). Comparative Analysis on integrated disaster risk management structures, gaps and needs in Germany and Iran (INCREASE Policy Paper Series). Disaster Research Unit.
Sandoval, V., Flörchinger, V., & Jafari, P. (2022). Social aspects of vaccination against COVID-19 in Iran and Germany (INCREASE Corona Workshop Series). Disaster Research Unit.
Sandoval, V., Flörchinger, V., Jafari, P., & Lorenz, S. (2022). Risk Communication during the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran and Germany (INCREASE Corona Workshop Series). Disaster Research Unit.
Sandoval, V., Voss, M., Flörchinger, V., & Lorenz, S. (2022). Integrated Disaster Risk Management from an International Perspective: Ideas for Indicators and Progress (INCREASE Working Papers, pp.32). Disaster Research Unit.
Sandoval, V., Lorenz, S., Flörchinger, V., & Jafari, P. (2021). Introductory conversation on the COVID-19 situation in Iran and Germany: National health and emergency systems (INCREASE Corona Workshop Series). Disaster Research Unit.